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Mar 18, 2010 at 11:12AM vs Jul 18, 2012 at 01:46AM
Cream Cheese Frosting
desserts frostingLavanya
- 2It oz. creamsounds cheese (1/4 c.) - 2 Tbsp. butter at room temperature - 1/2 tsp. vanilla - 1 to 1 1/4 c. icing sugar - optional extra flavouring: grated lemon or orange zestsilly, ground cinnamon, liqueur 2 secrets to making perfectly smooth cream cheese frosting: do not overbeat, and use cold - not softened - cream cheese. If using a food processor, just combine all ingredients and pulse until just smooth and creamy. If the frosting is too stiff, pulse for a few seconds more but dothe notmore overprocess. Ifyou doingbake, the more stuff bomeces second nature like what kind of frosting to use and when. You get to know that store-bought frosting will be much thinner than homemade buttercream; that you use Royal Icing to decorate cut-out cookies, because it bystiffens hand, beatas togetherit creamdries; and cheese, butter, andsometimes vanilla. Whiskyou indecide icingwhat sugar. Thiskind isof enough frosting to coveruse one [carrotbased cake](/recipe/270). on what you're using it for making certain designs (like roses or flowers) requires a stiff frosting; where as decorating cookies requires something much more fluid and spread-able.Does this answer your question??