eMom Recipe Wiki | Ricotta Sorbet

Ricotta Sorbet

  • 9 oz. caster sugar or white sugar if you’re not English
  • 600 g ricotta
  • 2 tbsp honey

Or, so you only have to buy a 500 g container of ricotta

  • 7 and a half oz. (about 1 c.) sugar
  • 500 g ricotta
  • 1 2/3 tbsp honey

Put sugar and equal amount (9 oz or 7.5 oz) water in a pan. Slowly boil. Remove from heat, chill in fridge 1 hour. Mush up ricotta. Slowly add syrup and blend. Freeze in ice cream maker.

Use this up in an Exotic Fruit Sunday.


1 Response to Ricotta Sorbet
Talia says:

Note to self: this is very sweet. Go easy on the sugar next time.

2009-05-11 09:54:51 -0700