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Aug 31, 2008 at 02:39PM vs Aug 31, 2008 at 10:52PM
Scrambled Eggs
breakfast eggs
- Eggs - - 1 tbsp. water per egg - - 1 tbsp. butter (more if you’re doing over 2 eggs) ) Mix up eggs with a fork until the yolks break and the egg mixture is all one colour. Add water to egg mixture. Put butter in frying pan and add egg mixture. Put frying pan on LOW HEAT (important!). Sometimes it’s better to use a double boiler so as to have even more indirect heat. . As egg begins to coagulate (usually on edge of pan or double boiler pot), scrape coagulated egg to middle of pan and keep doing this until all the egg is coagulated. See [how to use a double boiler.” As egg begins to coagulate (usually on edge of pan or double boiler pot), scrape coagulated egg to middle of pan and keep doing this until all the egg is coagulated.](/recipe/6/).