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Aug 31, 2008 at 02:39PM vs Sep 01, 2008 at 11:17AM
pasta/grain staples
- 1 ¼ c. water per c. couscous - - 1 c. couscous (serves 2 or 3) - ) - 1 tbsp. olive oil or butter per c. couscous - - Pinch salt Couscous is great. Iso love couscous. It’s a great alternative to rice. It’s super easy! Boil too. Boil water. Add oil or butter (it will melt). Add couscous and salt and TURN STOVE OFF. Let couscous sit in the (nonboiling) water for 5 min. It will sit there and absorb the water. Fluff (ie. stir it around) with a fork after the 5 min.